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Learn, explore, self-motivate, and be inspired while identifying your purpose and life goals.
Access smart features to optimize your daily activities and turn challenges into desirable outcomes.
PLOT helps you plan, manage, and achieve your goals.
Join clusters to network within your own communities and those outside.
Pay it forward by being volunteer and professional mentors, international pen pals, foster families, responsible consumers, SDG changemakers, social entrepreneurs and more - all these within a safe, conducive environment.
What is an Impacteur?
Do you desire a more satisfying, higher quality of life? Do you wish to achieve this by impacting your life positively first before impacting others around you? Deep inside, we know there's a part of you that do. Let it out and don't hold back.
At ClubAX, we call you Impacteurs. ClubAX aims to be a world class support platform for all forms of Impacteurs - individuals, communities and entities like corporations, organizations, informal groups, and even other interest-based clubs.
To sign up, click the 'Join' button. Or read more to uncover the list of possibilities below!
Experience excitement exploring life and lifestyle domains
14 colourful domains influence the way we live our life. They determine how far we have gone in life, and how much we have achieved.
These domains include Personal Mastery, Family & Parenting, Health & Fitness, Education & Learning, Career & Profession, Business & Enterprise and many more. This platform helps you improve your grades, increase profits for your business, build your high-flying career or start your wonderful family.
We call it the BAHTERA LifeScape. BAHTERA is an amalgamation of 2 Malay words, Bahagia (Happiness) and Sejahtera (Well-being) - two ultimate outcomes we aim to achieve for our members.
A balanced and holistic lifestyle improves our well-being. A life that is in harmony and equilibrium allows us to spend more time doing things we love, either by ourselves, with friends or with our loved ones. Life will be more purposeful, and purpose drives your excitement up all the time.
Is it possible at all? Plotting your chances with our Personal Life Optimization Tools (PLOT) and System to Manage the Individual's LifeScape Elements (SMILE) increase your success rate.
With tons of information online, how do you make the best use of your own time deciding which ones you need? You don't need loads of tools and online videos, only the right ones. With limited resources like time and income, you need an effective strategy to diligently implement a specific approach to achieve this - something you will discover as a member Impacteur.
In each domain, find communities of practitioners / professionals, entrepreneurs, business leaders, students and even homemakers and parents from your own community and beyond.
You guide yourself by learning more from the trusted people around you who have the right experience within each domain. You will be more self-directed without the aimless or random searching online. The time you will save, spend it on someone or something that matters more to you.
Seek assurance and support from your own community experts who understand your challenges
Through our discussion forum called Discourse, we create dynamic content on frequently asked questions relating to anything within a domain. If you are a subject matter expert in your community, you can respond to these and provide guidance or insights to others.
Similarly, you can also seek answers in other domains from other subject matter experts within your community and beyond.
Providing and receiving support between members of the same community is different from interacting with any random person from the Internet. It is faster to build trust as the understanding of the situation is fundamentally there.
This is why we need to come together and strengthen our connections.
Validate your expertise and others' in order to accurately know matching strengths
Sharing insights and expertise allows you to enhance your position as a person with the right quality of skills and knowledge.
Being acknowledged as a contributor to our platform can enhance your resume or personal brand.
We are introducing acknowledgement badges as a form of acknowledgement of your great contributions to your community.
Feel contented with trusted reference points
Millions of us ask similar questions each time we come across a specific situation. We start to discuss, debate and even hurt people we truly love in the process - as though we are the first one to experience it - when what we are going through is something that happens every day, experienced by any other person, since hundreds of years ago.
By establishing an interactive support platform, we allow you to read past advice or insights that are relevant, provided by another member of the same community, with a similar situation such as yours.
Manage your success or failures confidently by learning from others
At ClubAX, we aim to help others start and manage their own challenges in the respective domains and continuously develop their own personal vision.
This is the reason why our app platform is called ZOUQ, which stands for Zone of Unlimited Quests.
It is the mini conquests and the process of achieving them together that makes it all worthwhile and meaningful - just like how we put meanings in our names and titles.
Find meaningful connections based on what you need
High value network is not about simply having meaningless connections with successful or rich individuals. It is not enough. Success stories shared by these individuals may be due to certain situation unique to them. Networks or links shared by influential individuals or groups may also come at a high cost - unaffordable to some of us who actually need it more than those who can afford it.
Meaningful connections is also about how much others are willing to collaborate and cooperate with you. These members could simply be members of your community located somewhere in other parts of the world with the right local knowledge of the place they are in. Or people who have failed from their experiences when choosing a particular route, and willing to share them with you to prevent you from making the same mistakes again.
These are also valuable networks, because they prevent you from making costly mistakes that be valued at thousands or millions of dollars.
Each of us has a role in our own society
In a globalised world with increasing number of cosmopolitan cities, where do you belong?
ClubAX exists in the form of community chapters. It provides your community with a higher sense of identity backed by the unity of people dedicated to a shared vision.
A sense of unity can only come from a sense of duty to yourself and others.
Look for ways to impact others in your community, and your community will elevate its brand and provide a sense of belonging to its Impacteurs.